Keep good men company, and you shall be of the number. 近朱者赤。

Keeping is harder than winning. 創(chuàng)業(yè)不易,守" />

K字母開頭的英語(yǔ)諺語(yǔ)大全 Kind words butter no parsnips

時(shí)間:2021-11-17 04:24:45 文化

    Keep thing seven years and you will find a use for it. 備而不用。
    Keep good men company, and you shall be of the number. 近朱者赤。
    Keeping is harder than winning. 創(chuàng)業(yè)不易,守業(yè)更難。
    Keep some till more come. 更多的到手以前,要保持手里的一點(diǎn)。
    Keep your breath to cool your porridge. 少管閑事。
    Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards. 婚前張開眼,婚后半閉月。
    Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. 要多看少說。
    Kill the goose that laid the golden egg. 殺雞取蛋
    Kind hearts are more than coronets. 善良的心靈勝于顯貴的地位。
    Kindness always begets kindness. 善有善根。
    Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. 善良是連結(jié)社會(huì)的金鏈。
    Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand. 善良為語(yǔ)言,聾子能天見啞巴懂心間。

    Kindness is the sunshine of social life. 仁慈是社會(huì)生活中的陽(yáng)光。
    Kindness will creep where it may not go. 仁慈可進(jìn)入任何禁地。
    Kind words are the music of the world. 善言是世上的音樂。
    Kind words are worth much and cost little. 口頭方便不費(fèi)力。
    Kind words butter no parsnips. 畫餅充饑。
    Kinsman helps kinsman, but woe to him that hath nothing. 親幫親,鄰幫鄰,無(wú)親無(wú)助你倒霉。
    Knavery may serve, but honestyis best. 欺詐可能得計(jì),但誠(chéng)實(shí)總是上策。

【K字母開頭的英語(yǔ)諺語(yǔ)大全 Kind words butter no parsnips】相關(guān)文章:

1.K字母開頭的英語(yǔ)諺語(yǔ)大全 Kind words butter no parsnips